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PMTA President and CEO elected MCSAC Chair

PMTA President and CEO elected MCSAC Chair

PMTA President and CEO Rebecca Oyler named Chair of the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee

PMTA President and CEO Rebecca Oyler was elected by the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee (MCSAC) to serve as Chair. 

MCSAC of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) was initially chartered by the Secretary of Transportation on September 8, 2006 to provide advice and recommendations to the FMCSA Administrator on motor carrier safety programs and motor carrier safety regulations.

PMTA member Gregg Troian, President of PGT Trucking was elected Vice Chair. 

PMTA Director of Safety and Education Anthony Cloud has also joined the committee. 

Other PMTA members serving on MCSAC are:

  • John Summers, Lester R. Summers, Inc.
  • Bob Dolan, Retired
  • Mike Modica, New Enterprise Stone & Lime
  • Robert Smith, CLI Transport. 
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